Registration No. S/IL/24559 - 2004


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Journal of Crop and Weed Vol.5 No.1

ID Index Details Abstract Details
1 Growth and yield of fish under high-density stocking and phased harvesting in rice-fish system B. K. CHAKRABORTY 1 AND M. J. A. MIRZA2 Click Here Article
2 Studies on heterosis and yield stability in improved mulberry hybrids under irrigated gangetic alluvial soils of West Bengal M. K. GHOSH, N. K. DAS, SHIV NATH, P. K. GHOSH, A. GHOSH AND A. K. BAJPAI Click Here Article
3 Impact on productivity of mulberry leaf and cocoon under institute village linkage programme in Murshidabad district S.N. BAGCHI, D. PANDIT, S. GHOSH, A. K. SAHA, A. GHOSH, P. MITRA AND A.K. BAJPAI Click Here Article
4 Effect of phosphorus on growth, yield and nutrient uptake of rainfed mulberry (Morus alba l.) and its economics in Chotanagpur plateau of Jharkhand P. C. BOSE, D. P. SRIVASTAVA*, R. KAR AND A. K. BAJPAI Click Here Article
5 Economics of gherkin production: analyses of returns to fixed factors of production and resource use efficiency in southern karnataka T. AHMED*, H. B. LINGAIAH1 AND B.V.C. REDDY2 Click Here Article
6 Effect of potassium on growth, yield and nutrient uptake of mulberry (Morus alba L.) in eastern ghat region of Orissa P.C.BOSE, B.D.DASH*, R. KAR AND A.K.BAJPAI Click Here Article
7 Organic farming approach for sustainable quality leaf production in mulberry (Morus alba L.) var. S-1635 under irrigated condition P. CHOWDHURY, G. C. SETUA, A. GHOSH, R. KAR, SHIVNATH, S. K. MAITY AND A. K. BAJPAI Click Here Article
8 Effect of planting geometry on leaf yield and quality of mulberry chawki garden A. GHOSH, T. DUTTA (BISWAS), A. K. SAHA, SHIVNATH, N.B. KAR, K.MANDAL AND A. K. BAJPAI Click Here Article
9 Yield potential and economics of mulberry – based parallel multiple cropping system under irrigated condition A. K. MISRA, G.C. SETUA, A. GHOSH, M. SETUA , N.K. DAS AND A.K. BAJPAI Click Here Article
10 Line × Tester analysis of combining ability in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) C. MONDAL1, S. SARKAR2 AND P.HAZRA Click Here Article
11 Studies on flowering and receptivity of stigma in mulberry (Morus sp) germplasm S. ROY CHOWDHURI, H. SAU, S. G. DOSS, M. K. GHOSH AND A. K. BAJPAI Click Here Article
12 Participation analysis of South Asian rural women towards sustainable development in agriculture. B. BHATTACHARYA AND M. GHOSH Click Here Article
13 Multivariate genetic divergence in brinjal (Solanum melongena L.) R. DUTTA1, A. K. MANDAL2, T. K. MAITY AND P. HAZRA Click Here Article
14 Differential response of clay-organic complex and organic-free clay isolated from mulberry growing brown forest soils towards phosphorus adsorption R. KAR, P. C. BOSE AND A. K. BAJPAI Click Here Article
15 Food and nutritional security: how much and for whom? B.K. BERA AND A.K. NANDI Click Here Article
16 New strategy for quality assessment in Bombyx mori L.(Nistari) through larval critical weight A.K.SAHA1 AND A.K. BAJPAI Click Here Article
17 Growth and yield of lentil (Lens culinaris L.) as affected by boron and molybdenum application in lateritic soil. A. CHAKRABORTY Click Here Article
18 In vitro mass multiplication with genetic clonality in elephant garlic (Allium ampeloprasum L.) S GANTAIT1, N. MANDAL1, S. BHATTACHARYA2 AND P. K. DAS2 Click Here Article
19 Characterization of different Lycopersicon species J. CHOUDHURY1 AND P. HAZRA Click Here Article
20 Analysing and forecasting trade behaviour of major pesticide trading countries in the world R. BANERJEE, P. K. SAHU1 AND D. GUPTA2 Click Here Article
21 Manifestation of hybrid vigour in brinjal ( Solanum melongena L.) U. ROY1, T. ROY2, S. SARKAR3 AND P. HAZRA Click Here Article
22 Effect of different levels of boron and molybdenum on growth and yield of mung bean [Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek (cv. Baisakhi Mung)] in red and laterite zone of West Bengal 1P. K. PATRA AND 2C. BHATTACHARYA Click Here Article
23 Targetting extension intervention for promotion of sunflower productivity in coastal saline zone of West Bengal A. DAS1, D. BASU2 AND R. GOSWAMI3 Click Here Article
24 Effect of bio-fertilizers on growth, yield and quality of onion cv. sukhsagar S. GHANTI AND A.B. SHARANGI Click Here Article
25 Identification of suitable early rabi onion varieties under West Bengal condition A. HALDAR1, C. KARAK, A. NAIK, M. K. SAMANTA2 AND P. HAZRA Click Here Article
26 Integrated nutrient management on growth, yield and economics of maize (Zea mays L) under terai region P. S. PATRA1 AND S. BISWAS2 Click Here Article
27 A study on poverty of agricultural households in coastal saline zone of West Bengal G. DEY Click Here Article
28 Effect of molybdenum and seed inoculation on nodulation, growth and yield in urdbean [Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper] P. K. BISWAS1, M. K. BHOWMICK2 AND A. BHATTACHARYYA3 Click Here Article
29 Identification of heat tolerant lines of tomato under West Bengal condition S.H. ANSARY1 AND P. HAZRA Click Here Article
30 F2 segregation pattern for fruit shape and pedicel character in tomato S. AKHTAR AND M. K. PANDIT Click Here Article
31 Biochemical factors for TLCV tolerance in tomato genotypes S. NATH1, S. AKTAR AND P. HAZRA Department of Vegetable crops Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Mohanpur-741252, West Bengal 1Directorate of FPI and Horticulture, Behrampur, Murshidabad Government of West Bengal Click Here Article
32 Genetic variability, correlation and path analysis of some morphological characters in chilli S SARKAR1, D. MURMU, A. CHATTOPADHYAY, AND P. HAZRA Click Here Article
33 Diversification of rice-based cropping system and their impact on energy utilization and system production M. RAY, S. CHATTERJEE1, M. PRAMANICK, P. K. MANI2, K. ROY3 AND K. SENGUPTA Department of Agronomy Click Here Article
34 Evaluation of ber cultivars for growth, yield and quality in red and laterite zone of West Bengal K. K. MANDAL, M MANNA AND M.A. HASAN Click Here Article
35 Effect of different levels of irrigation and weed management on growth, yield and WUE of hybrid maize on new alluvial zone of West Bengal. U. GIRI AND P. BANDYOPADHYAY Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture Click Here Article
36 Performance of some elite mungbean [Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek] mutant families in M7 generation K. K. SARKAR, A. MAJI AND S. S. ROY Department of Plant Breeding, Faculty of Agriculture Click Here Article
37 Participatory wetland management in Loktak lake: a road to sustainable development L DEVARANI AND D. BASU Click Here Article
38 Effect of inorganic and biofertilizers on chilli S. KHAN AND N. CHATTOPADHYAY Department of Spices and Plantation Crops, Faculty of Horticulture Click Here Article
39 Adaptation of the alimentary tract to feeding habits in the weed eating fish (grass carp) Ctenopharyngodon idella (Val.) M. DASGUPTA Click Here Article
40 Effect of mulching on ginger (Zingiber officinale Rose) in the hilly region of Darjeeling district. D. K. SENGUPTA , 1T. K. MAITY AND B. DASGUPTA Click Here Article
41 Effect Of Inorganic And Biofertilizers On Chilli, S. Khan And N. Chattopadhay Click Here Article
42 Weed management through leguminous herbs for sustainable leaf production in mulberry (Morus alba L.) var. S-1 under irrigated condition G. C. SETUA, M. SETUA, N. D. BANERJEE, A. K. DUTTA, S. DEBNATH, J. K. GHOSH AND S. RAJE URS Click Here Article
43 Efficacy of a new fungicide ‘Trifloxystrobin 25% + Tebuconazole 50%’ 75WG against sheath blight (Rhizoctonia solani Kühn) of rice M. K. BAG Click Here Article
44 Seasonal incidence and control of white fly (Dialeurodes pallida Singh) infestation in betel vine (Piper betle L.) D. DAHAL, P.S.MEDDA* AND J. GHOSH Click Here Article
45 Present status of rice tungro disease in West Bengal: occurrence and characterization of viruses A. BANERJEE, S. ROY1, J. TARAFDAR AND B. K. SENAPATI1 Click Here Article
46 Observations on the effect of glyphosate based herbicide on ultra structure (SEM) and enzymatic activity in different regions of alimentary canal and gill of Channa punctatus (Bloch) T. SENAPATI, A. K. MUKERJEE AND A. R. GHOSH Click Here Article
47 Critical period of weed control in summer groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) in gangetic alluvial region in West Bengal A. MAJUMDER, A. K. SAHU, A K. KARAN, C. K. KUNDU, R. NATH AND P. S. BERA Click Here Article
48 Laboratory evaluation of LC90 values of three insecticides against whitefly Dialeuropora decempuncta (Quaintance and Baker) infesting mulberry M. PATNAIK, M.V.SANTHAKUMAR, N.K.DAS, P.MITRA, K. MONDAL AND A.K. BAJPAI Click Here Article
49 Screening and selection of low grain arsenic (As) accumulating rice germplasms under West Bengal condition B. ADHIKARI, M.K. BAG, R. D. TRIPATHI AND U. N. RAI1 Click Here Article
50 Epidemiological studies of stem rot of betelvine caused by Phytophthora parasitica under closed conservatory condition in West Bengal P. DATTA, B. DASGUPTA1, C.SENGUPTA AND D. K. SENGUPTA1 Click Here Article
51 Seasonal incidence and control of black fly (Aleurocanthus rugosa Singh) infesting betelvine (Piper betle L) D. DAHAL, P. S. MEDDA* AND J. GHOSH Click Here Article
52 Performance of pre-kharif mungbean genotypes under varying fertility levels in West Bengal M. K. BHOWMICK1, P. K. BISWAS2, R. SADHUKHAN3, B. ADHIKARI1 AND R. K. GHOSH3 Click Here Article
53 Application of biotechnology in natural resource management B. MONDAL (SAHA) Click Here Article
54 Effect of lime on soil pH reaction and mulberry leaf productivity S. K. MAJUMDER, R. KAR, R.N. DATTA, P.C. BOSE AND A. K. BAJPAI Click Here Article
55 Effect of age of seedlings under different system of rice intensification(SRI) B.N. MANJUNATHA, A. S POLICEPATIL, K.N HARSHA, AND T AHMED Click Here Article
56 Effect of organic and inorganic sources of nutrients on rapeseed (Brassica campestris L.) under terai region. B. DE, A.C. SINHA AND P. S. PATRA Click Here Article
57 Performance of aromatic rice varieties under terai region of West Bengal A.C. SINHA, P. KAIRI, P. S. PATRA AND B. DE Click Here Article
58 Bamboo (Bambusa sp.) based agroforestry systems under rainfed upland ecosystem H. BANERJEE, P. K. DHARA AND D. MAZUMDAR1 Click Here Article
59 Response of finger millet (Eluesine coracana.L.) to organic and inorganic sources of nutrients under rainfed condition M.GOVINDAPPA, A.P.VISHWANATH, K.N.HARSHA, P.THIMMEGOWDA AND A.C. JNANESH Click Here Article
60 Studies on rooting response and survival of different morphotypes of Som plant (Persea bombycina, King ex Hook. F., Kost) S. K. DUTTA, S. ROY CHOWDHURI, D. PANDIT, P.C.BOSE AND A. K. BAJPAI Click Here Article
61 Effect of fertilizer levels on growth parameters, yield components and seed cotton yield of Bt cotton hybrids under irrigated condition in TBP area K. M. GOWDA*, B.T. PUJARI, K. N. HARSHA, G.C. SHASHIDHAR. M. GOVINDAPPA AND T. AHMED Click Here Article
62 Evaluation of suitable nutrient management over state’s recommendation and farmers’ practice in rice-rice system of cropping A. GHOSH, M. PRAMANIK, P.K. MANI1, S. CHATTERJEE2 B.C. PATRA AND M. RAY Click Here Article
63 Pigeonpea - sesame intercropping systems for sustained production in northern transition zone of Karnataka R. DARSHAN, S. M. HIREMATH AND K.N.HARSHA Click Here Article
64 Effect of different system of rice intensification on yield, water requirement and water use efficiency (WUE) B. N. MANJUNATHA, A. S. POLICE PATIL, J. V. GOWDA, AND V. PARAMESH, Click Here Article
65 Response of Bt cotton hybrids for targeted yield under Northern transitional zone of Karnataka A. S. POLICEPATIL, B. M. CHITTAPUR, B. N. MANJUNATHA AND V. PARAMESH Click Here Article
66 Current status, distribution and ethno-medicinal values of medicinal plant in hilly regions of Darjeeling district of West Bengal D. MUKHERJEE Click Here Article
67 Studies on chemical weed control in aerobic rice (Oryza sativa L.) P. THIMME GOWDA, *C. SHANKARAIAH, A. C. JNANESH, M. GOVINDAPPA AND *K. N. MURTHY, Click Here Article
68 Studies on weed management in onion ( Allium cepa L.) A. YUMNAM, A. R. MANDAL, U. THAPA, T. K. MAITY AND S.P. BHATTACHARYA1 Click Here Article
69 Effect of herbicides and cultural treatments on uptake of major nutrients by crop and weeds under aerobic rice cultivation P. THIMME GOWDA, M. GOVINDAPPA *K. N. KALYANA MURTHY, *C. SHANKARAIAH AND A. C. JNANESHA Click Here Article
70 Population dynamics of insect pests and their natural enemies in rice seed bed ecosystem A. SINGHA1 AND S. CHATTERJEE2 Click Here Article