Registration No. S/IL/24559 - 2004


Address: B2/442, Kalyani, Nadia, West Bengal, India, PIN:741235

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Journal of Crop and Weed Vol.5 No.2

ID Index Details Abstract Details
1 Studies on methane production from cattle and goats in Sikkim S. SARKAR, D. DE, S. BANERJEE*, A. SINGHA, S. BANERJEE Click Here Article
2 Study on aquatic biodiversity of Medha beel in the Northern region of Bangladesh B. K. CHAKRABORTY AND N. N. NUR Click Here Article
3 Selection criteria for high yield in early segregating generation of rice (Oryza sativa L.) crosses B. K. SENAPATI, S PAL, S. ROY, D. K. DE AND S. PAL Click Here Article
4 Optical properties of sesamum and green gram under sesamumgreen gram intercropping system S. JENA, R. NATH AND P.K. CHAKRABORTY Click Here Article
5 Effect of mulch and irrigation on yield and water use efficiency of wheat under Patloi Nala micro-watershed in Purulia district of West Bengal S. MASANTA AND S. MALLIK Click Here Article
6 Study of heterosis in brinjal (Solanum melongena L.) for yield attributing traits S. DAS, A. B. MANDAL AND P. HAZRA Click Here Article
7 Effect of brown manuring on grain yield and partial factor productivity of nutrients in dry direct seeded summer rice (Oryza sativa L.) under Terai agro-ecological region of West Bengal S. K. MAITY AND P. K. MUKHERJEE Click Here Article
8 Response of forage oat (var. OS-6) to nitrogen and phosphate fertilizers in the new alluvial zone of West Bengal B. MALAKAR, S. MONDAL, P. BANDOPADHYAY AND C. K. KUNDU Click Here Article
9 Studies on bio-organic inputs for production of organic turmeric grown as intercrop in arecanut plantation S. S. ROY1 AND J. K. HORE Click Here Article
10 Evaluation of nutritive value of berseem (Trifolium alexandrium) on Garole sheep L. MANDAL AND S. BANERJEE Click Here Article
11 Effect of various nutrient management practices on productivity, soil fertility status and water use efficiency of french bean grown under homestead condition in Nadia district of West Bengal. S. MASANTA AND S. BISWAS Click Here Article
12 Study on the crossability of three species of Solanum in Gangetic plains of West Bengal S. B. CHATTOPADHYAY, A. SARKAR AND P. HAZRA Click Here Article
13 Influence of boron and zinc on increasing productivity of Fenugreek seed ( trigonella foenum graecum l.) A.PARIARI, S. KHAN AND M. N. IMAM Click Here Article
14 Effect of dates of sowing on growth and yield of groundnut crop N. C. BANIK, R. NATH AND P.K. CHAKRABORTY Click Here Article
15 System of intensification: the alternate approach for increasing production of field crops R. K. GHOSH, L. SHARMA, S. BARMAN AND A. K. DOLAI Click Here Article
16 Studies on potentiality of some mango varieties in West Bengal S. KUNDU, N. SANYAL AND P. DATTA Click Here Article
17 Diallel analysis for yield contributing traits of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.) D. K. DE, B. K. SENAPATI, S. MUKHERJEE AND P. BANDOPADHYAY Click Here Article
18 Response of nitrogen and phosphorus levels on the growth and yield of chinese cabbage (Brassica campestris L. var. pekinensis) in the gangetic plains of West Bengal P. H. PRASAD, P. BHUNIA, A.NAIK AND U. THAPA Click Here Article
19 Regeneration of plants from hypocotyl derived callus tissue of jute (Corchorus olitorius L. var. JRO-632) P.K.GHOSH1 AND A.CHATTERJEE Click Here Article
20 Presowing seed inoculation of wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. VL 832) for seed yield and quality enhancement in North-West Himalayan agriculture system B. PRASAD, R. PRASAD, A. SINGH AND S. PRASAD Click Here Article
21 Evaluation of different Rhizobium strains on growth, nodulation and seed yield in urdbean P. K. BISWAS AND M. K. BHOWMICK Click Here Article
22 Productivity of rabi pigeonpea (Cajunus cajan L. Milsp.) as influenced by scheduling of irrigation T.K.BASU1 AND S.R.BANDYOPADHYAY Click Here Article
23 Response of lentil varieties to sowing time in the plains of West Bengal A.ROY, S. S. AICH, M. K. BHOWMICK1 and P. K. BISWAS Click Here Article
24 How will weed management change under climate change? Some perspectives N. CHANDRASENA Click Here Article
25 Effect of atrazine and nutrient resources on soil quality under fodder sorghum S.K.DAS AND S.K.NAG Click Here Article
26 Propargite residues in okra and brinjal fruits H. BANERJEE, A. GHOSH CHOWDHURY, D. BANERJEE, M. PARAMASIVAM, T. BANERJEE AND S. ROY Click Here Article
27 Effect of herbicides on weed-crop association in wheat S. RAHAMAN AND P. K. MUKHERJEE Click Here Article
28 Effect of different weed management practices in summer mungbean [Vigna radiata L.] under new alluvial zone of West Bengal R. KUNDU, P. S. BERA AND K. BRAHMACHARI Click Here Article
29 Control of late blight (Phytophthora infestans) disease of tomato in the plains of West Bengal S. DEBNATH AND P. S. NATH Click Here Article
30 Simulation of cob growth in maize (Zea mays L.) by empirical models under weed management practices MD Y. FAKOOR, T.V. RAMACHANDRA PRASAD, G.R. DENESH AND S. BHASKAR Click Here Article
31 Efficacy of Triacontanol on the growth and yield of rice crop in inceptisol of West Bengal D. PAL, S. MALLICK, R. K. GHOSH, P. PAL, L. TZUDIR AND K. BARUI Click Here Article
32 Persistence of atrazine in soil under fodder sorghum S. K. NAG AND S. K. DAS Click Here Article
33 The fate and behavior of Imidacloprid 0.3% G in water maintained at different pH and soils of different agro-climatic zones S .R. BARIK, S. MAJUMDER AND A. BHATTACHARYYA Click Here Article
34 Assessment of performance of rice grown after babycorn, rapeseed cropping systems with mulch and irrigation treatments A. SARKAR, S. SARKAR, B. K. MANDAL AND A. ZAMAN Click Here Article
35 Effect of micronutrients on yield of mulberry in sub-tropical region P.C. BOSE1 AND B.B. BINDROO Click Here Article
36 The response of SRI to different sources of nitrogen and combination of nitrogen sources L.TZUDIR, K. BARUI, S. MALLICK, S. BERA AND R. K. GHOSH Click Here Article
37 Effect of Azotobacter chroococcum on growth and yeild of leek (Allium porrum) c.v Lincoln. A.BHATTACHARJYA, V.M PRASAD AND N. CHATTOPADHYAY Click Here Article
38 Studies on the influence of organic substitutions of nitrogenous fertilizer on growth and yield of aswagandha (Withania somnifera) grown as intercrop in coconut plantation D. K. GHOSH , A. BANDOPADHYAY AND G. SAMANTA Click Here Article
39 Phytotoxicity of some fungicides and their compatibility study with a potential biocontrol agent Trichoderma harzianum S. KHALKO AND S. K. PAN Click Here Article
40 Effect of triacontanol on the growth and yield of potato S. MALLICK, R. K. GHOSH AND D. PAL Click Here Article
41 Fungal communities from the rhizosphere and rhizoplane of Ageratum conyzoides l. under cropland soil S. CHAUDHURI, P. PAL, R. K. GHOSH1 AND S. MALLICK Click Here Article