Registration No. S/IL/24559 - 2004


Address: B2/442, Kalyani, Nadia, West Bengal, India, PIN:741235

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Journal of Crop and Weed Vol.16-No.1

ID Index Details Abstract Details
1 Second generation biofuel crops from poor quality water and degraded lands Click Here Article
2 Weed management in conservation agriculture, its issues and adoption: a review Click Here Article
3 Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) seed tuber production as influenced by intra-row spacing, dehaulming time and nutrient management in lower Indo-Gangetic plains of India Click Here Article
4 Assessing gene action utilizing graphical approach in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Click Here Article
5 Heterosis studies for yield and physical quality traits in hybrid rice (Oryza sativa L.) Click Here Article
6 Seed yield and quality of coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) as influenced by seed priming Click Here Article
7 Utilization of soft type wild jackfruit as fruit leather : a step towards economic security of the tribal women in Odisha. Click Here Article
8 Dummy variable regression to compare pre and post GST condition of handloom weavers Click Here Article
9 Economics of agribusiness in arecanut processing – an analytical study in Terai Zone of West Bengal Click Here Article
10 Fitting statistical model on some agricultural dynamic variables to analyse growth of Barley (Hordeum vulgare) production and productivity in Jaipur district of Rajasthan Click Here Article
11 Encapsulation-dehydration based cryopreservation of rouwolfia shoot tips and their regeneration potential in vitro Click Here Article
12 Yield and economics of aerobic direct seeded upland rice (Oryza sativa L.) as affected by different weed control measures under rice-wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) system Click Here Article
13 Enumerating the various constraints of pulse cultivation perceived by the growers in northern part of West Bengal Click Here Article
14 Genetic variation for micronutrients and study of genetic diversity in diverse germplasm of rice Click Here Article
15 Price dynamics of major high valued seed spices in India: an econometric insight Click Here Article
16 Effect of GA3 on marigold seed production in Gangetic Alluvial Zone Click Here Article
17 Integration of soil and foliar nutrition in influencing the yield related characters, yield and economics of Nendran banana (Musa AAB group) and the soil nutrient status of cropped field. Click Here Article
18 Effect of genotype imputation on integrated model for genomic selection Click Here Article
19 Assessment of Medium Duration Lentil Varieties in New Alluvial Zone of West Bengal Click Here Article
20 Targeted yield approach and a framework of fertilizer recommendation in rice Click Here Article
21 Evaluation of brinjal (Solanum melangona L.) landraces of Odisha for fruit yield and its components Click Here Article
22 Studies on genetic variability, divergence and association of characters in grass pea Click Here Article
23 Influence of liming to green manure crop and different sources of phosphorus in lowland and rice of Odisha Click Here Article
24 Convergence of dynamic extension approaches for promoting bajra napier hybrid among the livestock farmers: a success story in Uttar Pradesh Click Here Article
25 Effect of different nutrient management practices on growth, grain yield, production economics, soil nutrient availability of transplanted kharif rice (Oryza sativa.L) and correlation studies Click Here Article
26 Molecular identification of fungi associated with mulberry root rot disease in Eastern and North Eastern india Click Here Article
27 Study of disease complex in Rabi oilseeds grown in Kharif rice (Oryza sativa L.) – lands under agro-climatic condition of Central Brahmaputra Valley Zone of Assam Click Here Article
28 Effects of drought stress on relative water, chlorophyll and proline content in tolerant and susceptible genotypes of lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) Click Here Article
29 Bio-efficacy of herbicides weed management in groundnut under lateritic soil of West Bengal Click Here Article
30 Study the combined effect of brown manuring with post emergence herbicide on weed management in planted sugarcane Click Here Article
31 Critical period for crop-weed competition in Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) under mid altitude of Meghalaya Click Here Article
32 Simultaneous detection of Mi1.2 and Ph3 resistance alleles for root knot and late blight diseases in tomato through duplex polymerase chain reaction Click Here Article
33 Effect of environmental factors on the seasonal incidence and infestation of Leucinodes orbonalis Guenee in summer brinjal under North Central Plateau Agro-climatic Zone of Odisha Click Here Article
34 Exploring allelic status of selected disease resistance genes in a set of tomato genotypes using gene-linked molecular markers Click Here Article
35 Crop regulation in pomegranate Click Here Article
36 Evaluation of some cooking type watermelon [(Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum and Nakai] genotypes under Laterite belt of Eastern India Click Here Article
37 A note on morphological characterization of brinjal (Solanum melongena L.) genotypes Click Here Article
38 Character association and path coefficient analysis for cane yield and quality characters in fourth clonal generation (C4) of Sugarcane (Saccharum sp. complex) Click Here Article
39 First report of mesta yellow vein mosaic virus infecting okra in West Bengal Click Here Article
40 Evaluating the efficacy of metsulfuron, Atlantis (mesosulfuron + iodosulfuron) and 2,4-D ester against Rumex spp. in Wheat (Triticum aestivum) Click Here Article
41 Management of chocolate weed (Melochia corchorifolia) in rice Click Here Article