Registration No. S/IL/24559 - 2004


Address: B2/442, Kalyani, Nadia, West Bengal, India, PIN:741235

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Journal of Crop and Weed Vol.8 No.2

ID Index Details Abstract Details
1 Pattern of growth and technological impact on oilseeds production in Uttar Pradesh Click Here Article
2 Effect of different extraction methods and concentration of extracts on yield and quality of anthocyanin from plum var. Santa rosa Click Here Article
3 Effect of low temperature on seedling characters and yield of boro rice (Oryza sativa L.) Click Here Article
4 Effect of growing degree day (GDD) on different growth processes of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Click Here Article
5 Genetic divergence in landraces of rice (O. sativa L.) of West Bengal, India Click Here Article
6 Oxidation pattern of elemental sulphur as affected by levels of sulphur, organic matter and liming in a typical lateritic soil of West Bengal Click Here Article
7 A study on character association, genetic variability and yield components of finger millet (Eleusine coracana L.) Click Here Article
8 Effect of different water and nutrient management practices on rice grown under SRI Click Here Article
9 Advantages of SRI cultivation in the tail end of Cauvery delta Click Here Article
10 Response of biofertilizers and phytohormone on growth and yield of chickpea (Cicer arietinium L.) Click Here Article
11 Effect of rootstocks on performance of mosambi – sweet orange under irrigated condition in laterite soil of West Bengal, India Click Here Article
12 Irrigation and nutrient management for yield augmentation of summer sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) Click Here Article
13 An economic assessment of food and nutritional security of West Bengal and India Click Here Article
14 Performance of French bean genotypes (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) for seed yield and related traits under mid hill conditions of North Western Himalayas Click Here Article
15 Analyzing the relative importance of the integrated agricultural systems towards the agricultural development Click Here Article
16 Impact of fertilizer on yield of papaya cv. Pusa Dwarf under Indo Gangetic condition Click Here Article
17 Effect of different row spacing on ratoonability of high sugar genotypes of sugarcane hybrids Click Here Article
18 Studies on integrated nutrient management on leaf yield and quality of silk of mulberry (Morus alba L.) grown under rainfed situation Click Here Article
19 Influence of plant growth regulators on fruit production of sweet orange Click Here Article
20 Response of different nitrogen levels and homo-brassinolide on yield and economics of hybrid rice (Oryza sativa L.) Click Here Article
21 Comparative economics of production of Jute and Mesta in Dakshin Dinajpur district of West Bengal Click Here Article
22 Chemical characteristics of soils under different land uses in a micro-watershed of Sundarban Click Here Article
23 Assessment of yield in KVK programme: A multivariate approach Click Here Article
24 Spices scenario in the North Eastern States of India with special reference to production and marketing Click Here Article
25 Bio-efficacy and phytotoxicity of new molecule herbicides for weed management in soybean Click Here Article
26 Effect of planting dates and varieties on blast disease and grain yield of finger millet (Eleusine coracana) in mid Garhwal hills Click Here Article
27 Residues of pendimethalin and oxyfluorfen in raddish and their persistence in soil Click Here Article
28 Studies on some insecticides with novel mode of action for the management of tomato fruit borer (Helicoverpa armigera Hub.) Click Here Article
29 Effect of gamma rays and ethyl methane sulphonate on germination, pollen viability and survival of okra [Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench] Click Here Article
30 Effect of gamma radiation on mutagen sensitivity and mutability in fieldpea (Pisum sativum L.) Click Here Article
31 Effect of organic manures and biofertilizers on growth and flowering of Rosa cv. Madgod Click Here Article
32 Productivity, quality and water expense efficiency of late kharif sown hybrid maize (Zea mays L.) under different irrigation regimes and nitrogen levels Click Here Article
33 Water deficit condition and its impact on mulberry plant (Morus spp.) in relation to its growth and physiological parameters Click Here Article
34 Effect of bio-pesticides on the egg parasitoid (Telenomus sp.) of yellow stem borer in transplanted rice Click Here Article
35 Bio-efficacy of Pretilachlor with varying irrigation regimes in furrow transplanted and furrow irrigated rice (Oryza sativa L.) in Punjab Click Here Article
36 Field screening of broad bean (Vicia faba L.) cultivars of Manipur for their resistance reaction to Aphis craccivora (Koch.) Click Here Article