Registration No. S/IL/24559 - 2004


Address: B2/442, Kalyani, Nadia, West Bengal, India, PIN:741235

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Journal of Crop and Weed Vol.10 No.1

ID Index Details Abstract Details
1 Arsenic contamination in ground water: an environmental issue Click Here Article
2 Effect of homa organic farming practices on biochemical properties in soil and soybean seeds (Glycine max) Click Here Article
3 Growth, yield and intercropping advantages of green gram sesame under different moisture regimes in new alluvial zone of West Bengal. Click Here Article
4 Biodiversity and breeding of grapes: a study in Azerbaijan Click Here Article
5 Carbon sequestration and productivity of soils amended with different organic manures and tillage practices in rice wheat system. Click Here Article
6 Effect of deficit irrigation on growth and yield of rice in Typic Haplustalf soil of Red and Laterite Zone of West Bengal Click Here Article
7 Effect of soil amelioration, bio-fertilization and inorganic application on yield, quality and economic of snow pea (Pisum Sativam l. var. Macrocarpon) Click Here Article
8 Influence of foliar application of boron and zinc on growth, yield and bulb quality of onion (Allium cepa L) Click Here Article
9 On-farm assessment of direct seeded rice production system under Central Punjab conditions. Click Here Article
10 Studies on effect of interval of basin watering in ber cv. Banarasi Karka through farmers acceptable approach. Click Here Article
11 Effect of organic amendments on microbial population and enzymatic activity of soil. Click Here Article
12 Long term evaluation of Integrated nutrient management on yield, uptake and economics of rapesced (Brassica and campestris var. Yellow sarson) in terai region of West Bengal Click Here Article
13 Evaluation and characterization of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) germplasm accessions Click Here Article
14 Efficacy of Kappaphycus and Gracilaria sap on growth and yield improvement of sesame in new alluvial soil. Click Here Article
15 Combining ability and its relationship with gene action in Okra [Abelmoschus escykebtys (1) Moench] Click Here Article
16 Effect of bio-inoculants on the performance of cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis L) varieties Click Here Article
17 Effect of different pre-treatments on quality of banana powder Click Here Article
18 Economics of production and marketing of cabbage in Bankura district of West Bengal Click Here Article
19 Efficacy of organic manures on growth, yield and biomolecules of stevia (Stevia Rebaudiana Bertoni) Click Here Article
20 Promotion of short duration rice variety Gotra Bidhan-1 (IET 17430) through frontline demonstrations in terai region of West Bengal Click Here Article
21 Changes on yield and yield components of Sri Lanka’s traditional rice cultivars in Yala and Maha seasons Click Here Article
22 Effect of rhizome treatment on growth and yield of turmeric Click Here Article
23 Productivity of direct seeded rice in relation to different dates of sowing and varieties in Central Punjab Click Here Article
24 Assessment and analysis of socio-economic correlates foir characterizing the overall performance and handicraft enterprises in Asam. Click Here Article
25 Effect of herbicidal weed control measures for enhancing sugarcane yield, quality and weed control efficiency in West Bengal. Click Here Article
26 Influence of paddy cultivation systems on insect pest incidence Click Here Article
27 Monitoring of brinjal shoot and fruit borer (Leucinodes orbonalis Guence) through pheromone traps and the impact of abiotic factors on trap catch Click Here Article
28 Efficacy of ammonium salt of glyphosate 71% SG on weed management in cotton and its influence on soil micro- flora Click Here Article
29 Effect of two systems on density and biomass of different weeds in mungbean in Eastern Uttar Pradesh Click Here Article
30 Studies on fruit drop dynamics of mango cv. Amrapali influence of intercropping on fruit retention Click Here Article
31 Efficacy of different herbicides against weed flora in onion (Allium Cepa L.) Click Here Article
32 Promising potato (Solanum Tuberosum l.) cultivars for West Bengal Click Here Article
33 Yield and yield attributing parameters of organically cultivated mungbean as influenced by PGPR and organic manures. Click Here Article
34 Agronomic evaluation of scented rice (Oryza sativa 1) under different paremeters Click Here Article
35 Response of boron on different wheat varieties under late sown condition Click Here Article
36 Effect of INM on growth and yield of banana (Musa spp.) varuett Grand Naine Click Here Article
37 Study of correlation among various characters of different potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) germplams Click Here Article
38 Response of rabi sweet corn to plant geometry and fertilizer Click Here Article