Registration No. S/IL/24559 - 2004


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Journal of Crop and Weed Vol.19-No.2

ID Index Details Abstract Details
1 Population fluctuation of leaf eating insect pests through climatic factors on cabbage DOI: Click Here Article
2 Impact of sowing environment and thermal regime on performance of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.) in Red Laterite Zone of West Bengal S. K. De, K. Pramanik and C. Biswas DOI: Click Here Article
3 Assessment of resistance and resilience of fluorescence in diacetate hydrolase activity under rice-wheat cropping system in an Inceptisol S. Tripathy, S. Biswas, T. J. Purakayastha, N. Ahmed, R. Pandey, T. K. Das and B. Ramakrishnan DOI: Click Here Article
4 Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in Pangasius hypopthalamus cultured in sewage treated water R. Sharma, R. Gulati, P. Singh and R. Kumar DOI: Click Here Article
5 Control of mixed weed flora with pre and post-emergence imidazolinone herbicides in garden pea S. Kaur, T. Kaur, C. Shyam and M. S. Bhullar DOI: Click Here Article
6 Vermicomposted red mud- An up-and-coming approach towards soil fertility and crop quality K. Charan and P. Bhattacharyya DOI: Click Here Article
7 Impact of drip fertigation effect on yield and economics of blackgram S. A. Fanish and S. Pannerselvam DOI: Click Here Article
8 Exploration and consequences of outlier on potato field crop through factorial experiment M. M. H. Middya, M. Roy, A. Saha,J. S. Basak and A. Majumder DOI: Click Here Article
9 Comparative cost analysis of finger millet (Eleusine coracana) threshing and pearling method K. K. Patel, R. K. Naik and G. Patel DOI: Click Here Article
10 Performance of AAB genomic group of banana under Gangetic Plain of West Bengal R. Paul, T. Mondal, F. K. Bauri, S. Mahato and R. Mohanta DOI: Click Here Article
11 The disparity in soil organic carbon concentrations under short-term conservation agriculture with rice- based cropping systems in a very fine textured soil of lower Indo-Gangetic plain, West Bengal J. Dey Sarkar, A. Kundu and P. K. Bandyopadhyay DOI: Click Here Article
12 Effect of girdling, etiolation and IBA on sprouting and rooting characteristics of kiwifruit S. Gurung, N. Bhowmick, S. Gurung, A. Thapa and A. Ghosh DOI: Click Here Article
13 Evaluation of different Integrated Pest Management modules against major pests of field pea A. Banerjee and S. Pal DOI: Click Here Article
14 Response of varieties and planting dates on postharvest performance of gladiolus under the ecological conditions of Punjab R. Kaur, S. Jhanji and K. K. Dhatt DOI: Click Here Article
15 Enhancement of farm income in vegetable cultivation through introduction of plastic mulching in foothills of Eastern Himalaya S. Saha, A. Das, K. Pradhan and R. Chatterjee DOI: Click Here Article
16 Studies on impact of different castor varieties and hybrid on growth and economic parameters of eri silkworm samia cynthia ricini D. Elumalai, Indira Kumar K. and P. Mohan Raj DOI: Click Here Article
17 Nutrient management of rapeseed for its improved growth, yield and quality in an acid Inceptisol L. M. Singh, A. K. Singh, T. B. Singh, N. C. Gulleibi, T. D. Singh, K. Dkhar and G. Gadi DOI: Click Here Article
18 Conservation agriculture practices influenced soil water retention parameters of Inceptisol of lower Gangetic plains A. Kundu, S. Saha, J. Murmu, J. Dey Sarkar and P. K. Bandyopadhyay DOI: Click Here Article
19 Genetic study of combining ability for fruit yield attributing traits in brinjal (Solanum melongena L.)over different environments. R. S. Kherwa, R. L. Bhardwaj, Anupama and P. Choyal DOI: Click Here Article
20 Comparative performance of single and multicut sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) varieties under different nutrient sources D. K. Shukla, K. Kumar, Y. Pal and A. K. Prabhakar DOI: Click Here Article
21 Evaluation of oil sludge vermicompost for integrated nutrient management in rain fed wetland rice (Oryza sativa L.): SAMOE, FIAM and Fuzzy TOPSIS approach S. Sarkar, S. Ghosh, S. Banerjee and P. Bhattacharyya DOI: Click Here Article
22 Effect of teflubenzuron 75 g l-1 + alphacypermethrin 75 g l-1 150 SC against fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda S.) in maize S. Sen, L. C. Patel and H. Rahaman DOI: Click Here Article
23 Effect of spacing and fertiliser dose on quality and vase life of statice (Limonium sinuatum Mill.) DOI: D. R. Karthik, R. Vasantha Kumari and S. M. Kolur Click Here Article
24 Extent of adoption behaviour related to improved jute production practices in Murshidabad district of West Bengal K. Sarkar and S. P. Lal DOI: Click Here Article
25 Sugarcane seed crop nutrient dynamics with biofertilisers, trash mulching and chemical fertilizers P. Vinayalkshmi, M. M. Luther, M. Bharathlakshmi, C. S. Rao and V. S. Rao DOI: Click Here Article
26 Effect of different coloured shade nets on growth and quality of ornamental plants DOI: P. Chakradhar, M. R. Naik, K. S. Lakshmi, Y. Sireesha, V. Umamahesh, P. L. Kumari, and N.V. Kumar Click Here Article
27 Beneficial impact of shoot pruning on reproductive and yield characteristics of guava (Psidium guajava L.) in New Alluvial Zone of West Bengal S. Dey, T. Bauri, G. Mandi, S. Bhattacharya, P. Datta and S. Datta DOI: Click Here Article
28 Impact of weed management on yield, uptake and availability of nutrients in direct sown ragi Sneha S. R., Sheeja K. Raj, D. Jacob and Shalini Pillai P. DOI: Click Here Article
29 An economic assessment of conservation agriculture in West Bengal R. Chakraborty and S. Chatterjee DOI: Click Here Article
30 Technology assessment of pulses and oilseeds in Eastern India over last decade A. Dam and S. Chatterjee DOI: Click Here Article
31 Efficacy of new herbicide formulation on the growth and yield of maize (Zea mays L.) E. Balaji, R. Raman and R. Krishnamoorthy DOI: Click Here Article
32 Response of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) to different organic liquid manures in Jharkhand, India S. Biswas, S. Kumari and R. Thakur DOI: Click Here Article
33 Production performance of mungbean (Vigna radiata) as influenced by nutrient management under temperate conditions of Kashmir valley Q. A. Aga, M. Attri, F. Aga and K. K. Bansal DOI: Click Here Article