Registration No. S/IL/24559 - 2004


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Journal of Crop and Weed Vol.18-No.2

ID Index Details Abstract Details
1 Effect of natural farming on yield performances, soil health and nutrient uptake in wheat + gram inter cropping system in sub-temperate regions of Himachal Pradesh, R. Choudhary, R. Kumar, G. D. Sharma,R. P. Sharma, N. Rana and P. Dev DOI: Click Here Article
2 Enhancing profitability and sustainability through increased pulses production in Assam, B. Gogoi, S. Das, S. Bhagowati, D. C. Nath, N. J. Bordoloi and N. Deka DOI: Click Here Article
3 Graft take and survival percentage in soft wood grafting of cashew nut (anacardium occidentale L.) using various types of degradable grafting tapes, R. Praveen, A. Bandyopadhyay and D. K. Ghosh DOI: Click Here Article
4 Effect of growing condition and harvesting method on essential oil and eugenol contents of tulsi(Ocimum tenuiflorum L.), D. George and P. V. Sindhu DOI: Click Here Article
5 Combined effect of tillage and nutrient management practices on kharif maize (zea mays L.) yield and chlorophyll content, B. M. Naik, M. Kumar, S. K. Singh, M. Karthika and N. K. Roy, DOI: Click Here Article
6 Influence of integrated nutrient management (inm) Krishna, practices on performance of boro rice (Oryza sativa L.) in new alluvial zone of West Bengal, E. Kwami, V. V. S. Jaya M. Mahato, M. Dey and D. Dutta DOI: Click Here Article
7 Organic management of mint (mentha arvensis L.) towards improving productivity and quality, N. Biswas, N. Chattopadhyay, A. R. Jamir,A. Bandyopadhyay and D. K. Ghosh (LKN), DOI: Click Here Article
8 Influence of organic foliar application in chickpea (cicer arietinum L.) under rainfed condition, M. R. Sridhara, R. A. Nandagavi, S. S. Nooli and A. H. Biradar DOI: Click Here Article
9 Influence of sodium para nitrophenolate 0.3% SL on growth and yield of rice in new Alluvial Zone (NAZ) of West Bengal, S. K. Das, S. Samui and P. Nandy DOI: Click Here Article
10 Weed dynamics and yield of soyabean as influenced integreted nutrient and weed management practices, M. Apon and D. Nongmaithem DOI: Click Here Article
11 Mulching and herbicidal treatment impact on weed growth and performance of low chilling peach under sub-tropical condition P. Gupta, D. J. Bhat, P. Bakshi, V. K. Wali,N. Sharma, V. M. Arya, K. K. Sood and A. Jasrotia, DOI: Click Here Article
12 Influences of intercropping on productivity and profitability of greater yam (dioscorea alata L.), S. Sunitha, J. Suresh Kumar, J. Sreekumar,M. Nedunchezhiyan, K. Mamatha, P. R.Kamalkumaran, G. Pradnya,D. Ketan and D. Shanker DOI: Click Here Article
13 Growth, yield and quality of okra (abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench) F1 hybrids as influenced by planting time and spacing under Teraiagro-climatic zone of West Bengal, K.Ghosh, J.C.Jana Click Here Article
14 Studies on the intensity of cladode pruning on vegetative and reproductive behaviour of dragon fruit (hylocereus costaricensis), M. Alam, Md. A. Hasan, T. Mondal, K. H. Rathod and S. Chhetri DOI: Click Here Article
15 Evaluation of effect of selected Plant Growth Regulators on morphological traits and seed yield of Fagopyram esculentum Moench of Himachal Region, K. Jamwal DOI: Click Here Article
16 Effect of seed priming with various micro-nutrients on seedling parameters of sponge gourd (luffa cylindrica), Alpana, A. Dayal, P. K. Rai and S. Nagar, DOI: Click Here Article
17 Influence of plant growth regulators on yield and quality of Mint (mentha arvensis L.), U. Singha, N.Chattopadhyay,D. K. Ghosh (LKN) and A. Bandyopadhyay DOI: Click Here Article
18 Variability assessment of rice genotypes by yield traits in diverse environments of Himachal Pradesh, A. Dwivedi, S. Sanadya, A. Soharu,P. P. Kumar and D. Basandrai, DOI: Click Here Article
19 Evaluation of cytoplasmic male sterile lines for yield,stigma receptivity and influence of floral traits on the outcrossing rate in rice (oryza sativa L.) G. Mahesh, Y. Chandra Mohan,D. S. Naik, S. N. Reddy, L. Krishna and T. Ramesh DOI: Click Here Article
20 A spectrum of chemical tests in rice varieties identification and classification GBN Jyothi and S. Das, DOI: Click Here Article
21 Development of autumn specific silkworm stable breeds and hybrids for temperate climatic condition of Jammu and Kashmir, Shivkumar, Bharath Kumar N., Kiran R. and Sardar Singh DOI: Click Here Article
22 Gene-gene correlation, path coefficients and the genetic variability of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) genotypes, B. B. Sahoo, A. Panda, S. K. Mohanty and N. Senapati DOI: Click Here Article
23 Genetic components of variation of forage yield and attributing traits in sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.)] P. S. Patel, N. B. Patel, R. A. Gami,R. N. Patel and P. R. Patel DOI: Click Here Article
24 Comparative analysis of genotype x environment interaction for wheat genotypes by AMMI and BULP for Peninsular zone A. Verma and G. P. Singh DOI: Click Here Article
25 Effect of seed priming treatments along with micropot techniques for quality seed production in sunflower (helianthus annuus L.), P. K. Ghosh and A. Dutta, DOI: Click Here Article
26 Evaluation of tuberose (polianthes tuberosa L.) diversity using multivariate analysis, M. Kaur, B. S. Beniwal, Antim and A. Verma DOI: Click Here Article
27 Correlation and path analysis in rice (oryza sativa L.) Shankar, CMS lines, K. Krishna, Y. C. Mohan, V. G. G. Parimala and L. Krishna DOI: Click Here Article
28 Genetic divergence in root system architecture of tomato genotypes at vegetative stage, B. Priyadarshini, S. Das, S. Sarkar, A. Mohanty, S. K. Dash and A. Patnaik DOI: Click Here Article
29 Effect of seed treatments and storing period on physiological and biochemical parameters of tomato during storage, J. Ray and S. K. Bordolui DOI: Click Here Article
30 Soil borne disease dynamics on lentil (lens culinaris) and their correlation with weather factors under Conservation Agriculture A. Majumdar, S. Mahapatra,T. Biswas and S. Das Click Here Article
31 Investigation of BmNPV infection on physiological and biochemical parameters of Bombyx mori administrated with botanicals, D. Elumalai, G. Thaiyalnayagi and B. Poovizhiraja DOI: Click Here Article
32 Efficacy of some promising neonicotinoids against scirtothrips dorsalis Hood infesting chilli, their impact on the important natural enemies and economic benefits in West Bengal, P. Rai and P. K. Sarkar DOI: Click Here Article
33 A study on growth and performance of Primary Agricultural Cooperative Credit Societies of West Bengal, S. Sarkar, S. Ghosh and B. K. Bera DOI: Click Here Article
34 Constraints of inland fish production and marketing in Northern Dry Zone of Karnataka: A descriptive study, B. Mohan Uday Raj, M. Y. Teggi, Kalla Ashok and Ch. Ramya Sri DOI: Click Here Article
35 An assessment of marketable and marketed surplus of major foodgrains of Nadia district of West Bengal, M. Mondal, A. Jha Chakraborty and B. K. Bera DOI: Click Here Article
36 Influence of growing conditions and date of planting and on the yield and quality of stevia (stevia rebaudiana bertoni), S. Suhas, P. V. Sindhu, C. Beena, M. V. Menon, DOI: Click Here Article
37 Management of N levels and time of cut in rabi forageoat (avena sativa L.) G. N. Patel,T. V. Reddy and B. R. Patel, DOI: Click Here Article
38 Effect of integrated nutrient management on weed in sorghum + pearl millet cropping system, Sandeep and Jitender DOI: Click Here Article
39 Integrated weed management in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) S. Shaharukh, S. U. Pawar ,V. B. Awasarmal and Mirza I.A.B. DOI: Click Here Article
40 The effect of herbicide carriers on weed characteristics and the yield of rice under transplanted condition, A. Chandran and R. Krishnan DOI: Click Here Article
41 Silicate fertilizer induced resistance to rice yellow stem borer, scirpophaga incertulas (Walker)(Llepidoptera: Pyralidae), S. Panda, H. Raghunandan and I. O. P. Mishra, DOI: Click Here Article
42 Economic impact of integrated farming systems on small and marginal farm households in lower gangetic plains of West Bengal, India, A. Biswas and S. Chatterjee, DOI: Click Here Article