Registration No. S/IL/24559 - 2004


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Journal of Crop and Weed Vol.16-No.2

ID Index Details Abstract Details
1 Estimation of physical and cooking grain quality traits in two line hybrids of rice K. S. Rekha, R. Saraswathi and M. Kumar (Oryza sativa L.) DOI: Click Here Article
2 Antioxidative properties of cherry tomato P. R. Prasanna, P. Panda, S. Banerjee, DOI: S. Dolui and A. Bhattacharya Click Here Article
3 Effect of high temperature stress on seed filling and nutritional quality of rice (Oryza sativa L.) K. Pravallika, C. Arunkumar, A. Vijaykumar, R. Beena and V. G. Jayalekshmi DOI: Click Here Article
4 A review on conventional and molecular breeding approaches for exploring mechanisms A. Chatterjee, T. Chattopadhyay, A. Maji, P. Sen and M. N. Ali underlying heat stress tolerance in wheat DOI: Click Here Article
5 Estimates of wheat improvement in the Central Zone by REML/BLUP procedure A. Verma , R. Chatrath and G. P. Singh DOI: Click Here Article
6 Assessing the role of ameliorants based on physiological traits in sesame under waterlogged condition S. Sreepriya and T. Girija DOI: Click Here Article
7 Evolving agronomic and economically viable weed management methods for maximizing the M. Senthivelu, D. Kumaresan and P. Jayamani weed control vis-à-vis the productivity of irrigated green gram (Vigna radiata L.) DOI: Click Here Article
8 Effect of planting time, nitrogen application and S. Kaur, M. K. Saini and D. Bakshi planting geometries on growth and yield of citronella (Cymbopogon winterianus Jowitt.) under sub-mountaineous region of Punjab DOI: Click Here Article
9 Association studies for yield and yield attributing traits of bread wheat, Triticum aestivum L. T. Tapaswini, N. Kumar, S. Mukherjee, A. Maji and P. K. Bhattacharyya DOI: Click Here Article
10 Identification and resource productivities of D. Sharma and V. Kumar predominant farming systems in Himachal Pradesh, India DOI: Click Here Article
11 Studies on preservation and shelf life of cut anthurium flower B. Mawlong, P. Panja, P. K. Thakur, D. Bhattacharjee and R. S. Dhua DOI: Click Here Article
12 Interaction between genotype and environment and its stability analysis in cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) K. Sethi, M. Dash and P. Tripathy DOI: Click Here Article
13 Influence of seed hydropriming on establishment of upland rice, Oryza sativa L. in coconut garden D. Unnikrishnan, L. Girijadevi and S. K. Raj DOI: Click Here Article
14 Use of leguminous cover crop and banana bio-mat mulch for quality production of guava cv. Sardar (L-49) A. Bhattacharjee, T. Saha and S. Debnath DOI: Click Here Article
15 Effect of nitrogen levels on yield and nutrient uptake of kharif rice (Oryza sativa L.) under different establishment methods C. Ramulu, P. R. R. Reddy and E. Narsaiah DOI: Click Here Article
16 Impact of seed film coating polymers on growth, yield and seed quality of rice (Oryza sativa L.) A. Dutta and P. K. Bhattacharya DOI: Click Here Article
17 Productivity and profitability of legume based cropping systems grown under organic conditions in mid-hills of Himachal Pradesh R. Kumar, Punam and M. Seth DOI: Click Here Article
18 Germination ecology of Sacciolepis interrupta (Willd). Stapf P. S. Rani , M. V. Menon and P. V. Sindhu DOI: Click Here Article
19 Indigenous technical knowledge in processing of date palm juice and its implications on livelihood in Nadia district of West Bengal P. Bakshi, A. Sinha and D. Basu DOI: Click Here Article
20 Evaluation of Darjeeling mandarin on different N. Gurung, D. Barman, S. Sarkar and D. Tamang rootstocks of citrus in Darjeeling and Kalimpong hills of West Bengal DOI: Click Here Article
21 Vegetative and quality parameters of custard K. Choudhary, B. B. Dhakare and N. K. Meena apple as affected by pruning intensities and time DOI: Click Here Article
22 Qualitative and quantitative characterization of S. Halder, A. K. Saha, S. Ghosh and off-season mango cultivars in some districts of M. A. Hasan West Bengal DOI: Click Here Article
23 Impact of different land configuration and cultivars on growth and yield of green gram during summer season in the coastal plain of Odisha S. Rath and J. M. L. Gulati DOI: Click Here Article
24 Evaluation of treatment modules for managing scarring beetle, Basilepta subcostatum Jacoby infestation in banana D. Mahalanobish, J. Hore and K. Roy DOI: Click Here Article
25 Efficacy of different nitrogen levels and herbicides on weed dynamics in basmati rice under temperate conditions of Kashmir valley R. Nissar, M. A. Ganai and A. Hussian DOI: Click Here Article
26 Evaluation of quality attributes of phalsa blended squash during storage N. Gupta DOI: Click Here Article
27 Evaluation of pre and post emergence herbicides for weed control in rice bean (Vigna umbellata) crop under rain-fed condition S. R. Anand, N. Murthy and B. S. Lingappa DOI: Click Here Article
28 Effect of dormancy breaking chemicals, garlic extract and summer pruning on the cropping behaviour of low chilling peach (Prunus persica L. Batsch) H. Singh and S. K. Banyal DOI: Click Here Article
29 Effect of planting techniques, plant densities and different depths of sowing on production economics, water and sugar productivity of sugarbeet K. S. Saini, N. S. Brar, S. S. Walia and P. A. Sachdev DOI: Click Here Article
30 Performance of hydrogel on post planting behavior of young coffee cv. CXR K. Mote and N. Gokavi DOI: Click Here Article
31 Studies on shelf life of sauerkraut P. K. Thakur, P. Panja, J. Kabir and R. S. Dhua DOI: Click Here Article
32 Nutrient uptake by crop and weed as influenced by the weed management practices in bush type vegetable cowpea, Vigna unguiculata sub sp. unguiculata (L.) Verdcourt J. K. Sinchana, S. K. Raj and L. Girijadevi DOI: Click Here Article
33 Studies on combining ability, gene action and heterotic expression of tomato for various leaf and fruit pigments K. V. Manjunath, S. Basfore, S. Sikder and R. Saha Chowdhury DOI: Click Here Article
34 Effect of land configuration, growth regulators and integrated nutrient management on yield and economics of pigeonpea V. K. Sutar, W. N. Narkhede,S. K. Nayak and D. N. Gokhale DOI: Click Here Article
35 Effect of integrated nutrient management on green forage, dry matter and crude protein yield of oat in oat-Lathyrus intercropping system S. Biswas, K. Jana, R. K. Agrawal and A. M. Puste DOI: Click Here Article
36 Genotypic response to callus induction and plant regeneration in sugarcane S. K.Tripathy and D. M. Ithape DOI: Click Here Article
37 Water productivity and economics of rabi sunflower as influenced by nitrogen and potassium fertigation schedules DOI: K. P. Reddy, M. U. Devi, V. Ramulu and M. Madhavi Click Here Article
38 Impact of nursery establishment on farmers’ prosperity in peri-urban areas DOI: P. S. Shehrawat, N. Sharma and Aditya Click Here Article
39 Effect of integrated nutrient management on growth and fruit yield of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) DOI: P. Sahu, P. Tripathy, G. S. Sahu, S. K. Dash,S. K. Pattanayak, S. Sarkar, B. Tripathy,N. J. Nayak and S. Mishra Click Here Article
40 Effect of foliar application of plant growth regulators on growth and yield attributing characters of green gram (Vigna radiata L. Wilczek) DOI: C. Singh and H. Jambukiya Click Here Article
41 Quantification of yield gap in kharif mash through frontline demonstration in sub-mountainous area of Punjab, India DOI: A. Kaul, M. Tyagi and B. Singh Click Here Article
42 Performance of rapeseed (Brassica campestris L.) under varied irrigation and sowing methods DOI: B. B. Barick, B. C. Patra and P. Bandyopadhyay Click Here Article
43 Bio-efficacy and phytotoxicity study of 2, 4-D ethyl ester 38% EC in kharif rice DOI: C. K. Kundu, N. Meena Devi, S. Maitra, A. Kundu and R. J. Koireng Click Here Article
44 Interaction of Meloidogyne incognita and Colletotrichum lagenarium complex in ivy gourd (Coccinia indica L.) DOI: B. Basumatary, B. Mahanta, A. Borah and P. Dutta Click Here Article
45 Assessment of seed rain of matured Parthenium hysterophorus L. with glyphosate application DOI: K. Kalaichelvi Click Here Article
46 Effect of 2, 4-D ethyl ester 80% EC on weed and yield of wheat in Gangetic plains of West Bengal DOI: C. K. Kundu, S. Goswami, R. Mondal and A. Kundu Click Here Article
47 Efficacy of some granular and sprayable formulations of insecticides against stem borer of rice DOI: L. Sahu, S. Dash , D. K. Swain and S. Roy Click Here Article