Registration No. S/IL/24559 - 2004


Address: B2/442, Kalyani, Nadia, West Bengal, India, PIN:741235

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Journal of Crop and Weed Vol.13-No.1

ID Index Details Abstract Details
1 Improving growth and productivity of linseed (Linum usitatissimum) using mulches under different levels of irrigation Click Here Article
2 Different methods for judging the normality assumption for univariate and bivariate data and its remedial measure Click Here Article
3 To access the scope of brown manuring in aerobic rice in central Punjab Click Here Article
4 Micropopagation of Anthurium andreanum cv. Jewel from leaf explants Click Here Article
5 Genetic variability, correlation and path analysis of physiological and yield attributes in mulberry (Morus spp.) Click Here Article
6 Growth and yield performance of a sustainable aquaculture of Cuchia, Monopterus cuchia (Hamilton) under semi intensive aquaculture in Bangladesh Click Here Article
7 Discriminant analysis: a tool for identifying significant socio-economic correlates in farming system - a case study Click Here Article
8 Quantitative estimation of protein and minerals in the selected cultivars of Vicia faba Click Here Article
9 Problems and prospects of organic farming in Samastipur district, Bihar, India Click Here Article
10 Effect of intercropping on plant and soil of jackfruit grown in New Alluvial soil of West Bengal Click Here Article
11 Influence of nitrogen, potassium and their interaction on growth and phenology of papaya cv. Pusa dwarf Click Here Article
12 Inheritance and association of yield and its attributing traits in rice (Oryza sativa L.) Click Here Article
13 Growth and instability analysis of major crops in North East India Click Here Article
14 Impact of water depth on growth of gorgon nut and associated weed under wetland ecosystem of north Bihar province in India Click Here Article
15 Genetic parameters estimation for yield and yield related traits in rice (Oryza sativa L.) with drought tolerance trait under stress condition Click Here Article
16 Effect of balanced nutrition on productivity, economics and soil fertility of rice (Oryza sativa L.) – greengram [Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek] cropping system under coastal West Bengal Click Here Article
17 Comparative study of feed-forward neuro- computing with multiple linear regression model for predicting mulberry leaf yield Click Here Article
18 Efficient use of natural resources for sugarcane production in western Maharashtra Click Here Article
19 Impact of pre-soaking and foliar application of plant growth regulators on growth and seed yield of coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) Click Here Article
20 Genetic variability, heritability and genetic advance in Kharif onion (Allium cepa L.) Click Here Article
21 Standardization of harvesting methods in litchi cv. Bombai Click Here Article
22 Performance of yellow coated mustard (Brassica juncea L.) mutants under West Bengal condition Click Here Article
23 Performance of grass pea (Lathyrus sativus L.) varieties under different seed rates in rice (Oryza sativa) – utera situations Click Here Article
24 Integrated nutrient management boost the soil biological properties in rice rhizosphere Click Here Article
25 Potential habitat value for wild bees in Kashmir valley Click Here Article
26 Influence of bio-fertilizer and liquid organic manures on growth, fruit quality and leaf mineral content of mango cv. Himsagar Click Here Article
27 Economic analysis of commercial tomato nurseries Click Here Article
28 Efficacy of Sesbania brown manuring and weed management approaches to improve the production and weed control efficiency in transplanted rice Click Here Article
29 Effect of different levels of NPK on foliar diseases of potato under different fertility gradient soil in field. Click Here Article
30 Investigation of rice root-knot nematode and weeds interactions in rice agro ecosystem Click Here Article
31 Seed quality deterioration of some winter flowers during storage Click Here Article
32 Study on economic feasibility of some Promising Weedicides on Shallow land Transplanted Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) Under Rainfed Conditions Click Here Article
33 Effectiveness of herbicides for weed management in pre-monsoon groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) Click Here Article
34 Bioefficacy of pyrazosulfuron and bensulfuron methyl in combination with pretilachlor against weeds in transplanted rice (Oryza sativa L.) under temperate conditions of Kashmir Click Here Article
35 Studies on the influence of plant growth regulators on growth and yield of turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) Click Here Article
36 Response of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) to foliar application of macro and micronutrients in the red and lateritic zone of West Bengal Click Here Article
37 Performance of ber in new alluvial zone of West Bengal Click Here Article
38 Studies on bio-efficacy and phytotoxicity of 2, 4-D Ethyl Hexyl Ester 60% EC in wheat under Gangetic Alluvial Zone of West Bengal Click Here Article
39 Effectiveness of 2, 4-D Ethyl Ester 80% EC to control of weeds in kharif Rice Click Here Article
40 Comparative structure and morphometry of body of different aphids on various fruit crops in Punjab Click Here Article
41 Effect of 2, 4-D Ethyl Ester 80 % EC on weed control in wheat Click Here Article