Registration No. S/IL/24559 - 2004


Address: B2/442, Kalyani, Nadia, West Bengal, India, PIN:741235

[email protected],

The Crop and Weed Science Society (CWSS) is an organization of scientists, teachers, students, farmers, corporates and other persons/organizations willing to participate in the development of agriculture and allied fields. Since its inception, the CWSS is engaged in the betterment of agriculture and allied sectors. Main activities of the society encompasses promoting agricultural research and technologies through publications, demonstrations, dissemination of technologies through training programme, organization of awareness programme, recognizing commendable works in the field of agriculture and allied sectors through different awards etc. As a result, the society is gaining popularity day by day as evident from its membership details given below and the circulation of its publications, the Journal of Crop and Weed ( ISSN 0974 6315) and the Crop and Weed Science News, in different parts of the world. We welcome and request each and every one, interested in the above goal of the society, to become member of the society in the form of individual member / institutional member / corporate member etc., to contribute research article in the Journal of Crop and Weed and enrich it in achieving its goal.

Vision :

Work together including Scientists of Institution and Corporate Industries, Researchers in any field of Agricultural Sciences, Officials engaged in Agricultural Sectors, Students and Farmers to develop Ecosafety Sustainable Agriculture

To seek the respect of the beliefs, views and values of the scientific persons and to act with honesty and humanity


To encourage understanding and promoting sound agricultural technology in the context of global agricultural development

To develop innovative and pragmatic solutions, building new agricultural biotechnology for the development agriculture

To bring the synergistic and complementary nature of agricultural technologies developed and offered by the scientists engaged in agriculture

Current Issue

Journal of Crop & Weed
